64 CTRL turned 270 degree?

I find EN16’s LED position very tricky to see. You need to see it from above to see it.
So I like turn the GRID to either 90 degree or 270 degree.

My question is how easy is it to implement 64 CTRL in 270 degree position?
Personally I could not get it done with my skill.

I think if you turn the GRID 270 degree in environment set up and install already designed config it should get installed as you see it on screen. If you know what I mean, its a little hard to explain with my English.


You mean moving the bank change buttons to the side and such?

Because you should be able to just turn the module and use it as is with no adjustment needed. But if you need the bank changes on the top maybe the excellent remix 256CTRL is more what you’re looking for.

It has 16 banks of 16 encoders so any one of the encoders will be able to switch to a dedicated bank.

Its hard to explain with my English, but Grid can be used in any rotation, which is fantastic.
But if you rotate the Grid to the right 90 degree, Encoder 0 will move the top right corner, and Encoder 2 will be just below that. So when you apply any of the Config ( in the cloud) to the rotated grid, it gets installed twisted 90 degree. In the case of 64 CTRL, Page Change button will not be positioned in top row, but it will be at most right column.

So I thought it would be nice to have option to turn the Grid in Environment to any angle and Encoder location gets shifted so that Encoder 0 is always at top left corner. I hope you understand what I mean.

So it is the feature request for Grid Editor 2.

Yeah, this is not something you can do because most of the configurations are defined on the encoder itself, not on a relative layout. This means that a configuration has no way to take the rotation of the module into consideration when performing a load from Profile Cloud.

I think the best way would be to use the 256CTRL. The config has 16 banks, any of the encoder presses will perform a bank switch. Modifying the 64CTRL would need an hour of work from me reworking it to take orientation into account.

All in all this sounds like a cool idea, I might try to make it work, but no promises.


Thank you so much for at least trying!

Technically I don’t know what is possible but I meant something like this picture attached.