~~Bug - EN16 - ES-32 v1.2.39~~

I’ve found an odd but reproducible bug on my EN16s. I had setup all 16 knobs with static CC and channel assignments and button mode to ‘Toggle’. Each encoder button press is configured to send CC 96 through 111 starting at element 0. On element 2, when I click the button, it’s sending a NRPN message. If I change the CC value to anything but 98, it works. If not, it sends a NRPN. I defaulted the config and altered the default code on element 2 to toggle CC 98. It sent NRPNs. I copied the code from element 3 to 2 and it disconnects the module from Grid.

I also noticed that when I had my 2x EF44s and 1x EN16 connected to an iPad app, there was parameter jitter on an app’s element that wasn’t even being controlled by the EN16. If I disconnect the EN16, the parameter jitter stops.

On a default config EN16, I have the following code on element 2 for the button:

local num, val, ch, cc = self:element_index(), self:button_value(), 15, 98
midi_send(ch, 176, cc, val)
led_value(num, 1, val)

All other code remains the default. Only the button element is different. This was working prior to the latest update. I know NRPN code blocks were implemented and I’m wondering if the bug stems from that.

For now, I’m going to try I different CC on that element. Please let me know if there’s any information I can grab for you.



Google Drive link to two short video examples of the behaviors.

Edit: I’ve factory defaulted and tried again and the erratic behavior still happens when more than one Grid is connected. I’m ultimately trying to connect 2x EF44 and 2x EN16. I’ve connected 2x EF44 and 1x EN16. I factory reset all modules then only reloaded one of the EF44s that has custom code. If I use my crossfade function, it get weird feedback/jitter. If I connect that module by itself, nothing unusual happens. If I connect 2x EF44 with one that has been factory reset and has default code, I can move the faders up on it and some on the custom code one and LEDs on the encoders light up on the other module.

Edit 2: Not happening while connected to Ableton/Windows. So far, just iPad and Loopy Pro. Testing without Loopy Pro.

Edit 3: Seems to be something with Loopy Pro.