Bug with 1.3.3 version

Hello !
I wanted to report two bugs with GRID EDITOR:
All versions:

  • AVAST (my antivirus) systematically prevents me from installing the application, considering that the application is infected. Even by putting an exception, it is moved to quarantine. I have to disable the antivirus for it to work…
    Version 1.3.3
  • I write commands in “midi sysex” (“_d4ydream” had helped me a lot to interpret this with GRID subject here: BU16 & 2 actions). This works perfectly with version 1.2.53, but with the latest versions, this is no longer possible. I can never integrate my codes, considered too long (while they are the same as before). So I stay on version 1.2.53… Strange isn’t it?
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Heyas! Have you checked the debug output in the editor to make sure the expected sysex data is being sent?

Nothing should’ve changed but it’s a good place to start looking.

This is not a release problem. With version 1.2.53, everything works fine.
With more recent versions, I can’t enter my complete data. As if there were fewer characters allowed… it’s weird.
Well that said, I repeat myself but everything works fine with an old version so I use my intech boxes without any problem. I just wanted to report the bugs at home of the latest versions so that it can be useful to others ^^

Avast blocks Editor for some reason, we have received reports of this on multiple occasions. We have reached out to Avast and they investigated, but nothing changed.
I can assure you that Editor contains no malware.

On the other topic of the config length changing between Editor versions, I would be interested to see this configuration of yours and test this claim.
It could be possible for something like this to happen, however unlikely.

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Thank you for your answer.
Here is an example of code that I enter on a button of the BF16.
Up to version 1.2.53, no worries. But I could not enter this code when updating the latest version. So I went back to the functional version…
And congratulations for your products!

local num = self:element_index()
if self:button_value() == 0 and self:button_state() == 127 then
midi_sysex_send(240, 0, 32, 50, 50, 47, 99, 104, 47, 49, 53, 47, 109, 105, 120, 47, 111, 110, 32, 79, 78, 32, 84, 101, 120, 116, 247)
led_value(num, 1, 0)
elseif self:button_value() == 127 and self:button_state() == 127 then
midi_sysex_send(240, 0, 32, 50, 50, 47, 99, 104, 47, 49, 53, 47, 109, 105, 120, 47, 111, 110, 32, 79, 70, 70, 32, 84, 101, 120, 116, 247)
led_value(num, 1, 127)


That piece of code gives me the same amount of characters regardless of version when using virtual modules in both 1.2.53 or the web version of Editor 1.3.4 Nightly.

This is the output of the code in the web version.

Same thing is true when using a physical module.

When uploading the code into a code block on a physical module.

Same thing happened when I used the local version of Editor 1.3.3 on a physical module.

353 characters in all test cases.

I was unable to reproduce the error you’re getting in all test cases. I would advise you to save your configurations to the Cloud, perform a Factory Reset and try again.

Thanks a lot, I will try it again and let you know

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I’m answering very late but it works perfectly. I don’t know why I had this little bug ^^