EN16 basic button/note hold and release question

Using the default EN16 controller layout and I’d like to program the buttons to hold notes upon first press and release with second press. Allowing me to manipulate the pots while the notes hold. Also would like the led @ 100% illumination for “on” and 0% illumination for “off”. Where would I look for the proper information that would allow me to do this? Thanks!

You will want to look at the docs here:

Specifically, look at setting up the button_mode() on the ‘INIT’ tab. The default is ‘Momentatry’ (and there’s no action block that sets it this way). It’s just the default behavior) and you’ll want ‘Toggle’. One thing to be aware of is that the button will send a value for the press and the release. This is rarely the desired behavior so you’ll want to us an ‘IF’ block to only send the action when the button is pressed.

I’m a bit under the weather today otherwise I’d happily show you what you would need to do in more detail. Start with the docs above and see if you can sort it out :slight_smile:
