Is following track selection possible

Hi. Is it possible for grid to follow track selection from daw? And at the same time set the values of controls based on that?
For example, i select a track in a daw that has one vst instrument. When that happens, is it possible that all mapped controls’ values of that instrument are then actually set for the grid encoder( let’s stick to endless encoders only). So that when i start turning the encoder it’s on that exact value and there doesn’t have to be any pickup mode or similar. Then, when i move to the next track ( or basically select another vst instrument), same thing happens for that track, that is for that instrument’s mapped controls’ values are then set to the encoders. Basically, can i switch freely between different instruments and have the values correctly set each time so there is no need to turn the encoders until they pickup each time when track (instrument) is selected?
I guess first thing that needs to be solved here is notifying grid that the track selection event has ocurred. How can we do that? Some custom sysex? For simplicity, let’s say that event has no actual data. Anyway, should be easy to solve with the daw scripting tolls.
Then, can the encoders somehow query the status of the parameters they control? Can that midi rx method do that? Or will the midi rx automatically receive the values on each track change event happenning in the daw, which will consequently, hopefully, also then fire the control’s value changed event, which will be received in the midi rx? Does that happen automatically, do you know? Or we would need to also implement custom value handlers in the daw scripting to explicitly transmit the values to the grid?
Btw, if it matters, main daw of interest is cubase 13.
Fyi, i do not have any of the grid components yet so i cannot try any of these things myself. I am currently considering bying a couple of your controllers but it would be very helpful to know if things like these are possible at all.