Is the Knot compatible with the Novation Launch Control XL2?

Does anyone know if the Knot is compatible with the Novation Launch Control XL2? I’m hoping to control an Elektron Digitone with it.

Hi Andy,
On the GitHub page, there is a compatible device list: GitHub - intechstudio/knot

I don’t see there the Launch Control XL2. We tested Knot OK with Launchpads, on the other hand we did not fix the Launchkey compatibility yet - both Novation brands, but they differ in USB MIDI implementation.

At the moment we are working on improving Knot’s MIDI Host core firmware, so more device will seamlessly integrate with Knot.

I’ll definitely share a post when Knot improvements are released, been in the works for the past month!


Thanks for the reply, Kristof, I’ll keep an eye out for developments.
Cheers, AR

I just tried it with the Octatrack and it seems to work fine. (Launch Control XL mk2 → Knot → Octatrack)

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Thank you, that’s good to hear!!