Logic Pro and GRID

I’m trying to set up Logic Pro with my two Intech studio modules… The manual says " coming soon" does that mean the modules don’t work in Logic Pro?

It only means I haven’t uploaded the article yet!

Logic is compatible in many ways with Grid, you could use it to create control surface mappings, general quick controls or use the advanced Mackie protocol to create an all-encompassing controller.

That article is also on our things to do for July, so expect the finished article to be out in the next week or so!

Thanks for the response… this is good news. I guess my question now is how to add it as a controller… when I do a scan, it doesn’t show up.

It will not show up as a controller because Grid is not officially recognized by Apple as a controller.

The two ways to go about configuring is: either MIDI learn all default CCs in Logic to parameters you wish to control OR use an existing mapping e.g. the Mackie Control and match its CCs with Grid in Editor.

Neither is plug-and-play, but both are relatively easy to set up when you know what to do. This is why I would recommend waiting until the article is done if you’re unsure about either process.

@narayb where is the article?

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Could you please post the mentioned article or explain how to use PBF 4 with Logic on Mac?
I’ve bought your product and can’t use it :frowning:
Do you have ready templates for Logic user?
The grid editor is very complicated…

Hi there!
Thank you for your continued interest in Grid.
We’re scattered at the moment because of summer holidays, but there should be time for me to finish up the article early next week!
When it’s finished it should be posted here but I’ll make another post here when it’s ready.

Pushed a small Logic MIDI mapping explainer on the above link. If you have any more questions let me know!