Been tinkering around with the EF44, TEK2 and the EN16 to get the RX working properly with receiving feedback for the encoders and also setting the intensity for the LED for each corresponding encoder.
The feedback is being sent from my software, Resolume, properly as I can set the buttons on the TEK2 to receive the commands from when I control Resolume with my mouse and bi-directionality works properly.
But as I am not particularly savvy when it comes to programming I am not sure how to get the encoders to get the midi received when changing something within Resolume.
Why do I need this?
Well, I use the EN16 encoders for multiple things, layer related. So whenever I change layer I’d like the midi on that particular layer be sent to corresponding encoder.
This works with literally every single midi controller I have ever used for the past 12 years so I really can’t se why it wouldn’t be possible to manage on these modules.
Similarly with the encoders on TEK2.
I use one of them to control speed. Works perfectly and the resolution is awesome.
I’d however like to be able to reset the midi to a particular static value by pushing down the encoder and also have that value sent back to the midi of the encoder and preferably back to the LED as well though the midi getting sent to the encoder is what I most important.
Being able to send midi back to a knob or button is essential to workflow as that is how most controllers do operate. As it is now, it gets glitchy as the value of the filed to operate hasn’t been sent to an encoder so there will always be a mismatch between an encoder and that which I want to control.
Any suggestions?
I did manage to use the wiki to learn how to get a button to work bi-directional but haven’t found any other examples for the encoders.