New user here with some decent programming skills.
Can anyone help me figuring out how to get the Midi Rx to function?
I want to use an EN16 and PU16 to (midi)control my DAWfunctions (Cubase).
Assigning CC’s and stuff is easy but getting the info from the DAW back into the controllers is where I’m getting grey hairs.
Basically: Inside my DAW I have switches assigned to bypass insert plugins on the selected channel. If I press for instance button 1 then I can bypass/enable the insert#1 on the selected channel (and the led goes bright).
But when I switch channels I don’t get the midi to send back to the controllers. In other words:
Ch1 Insert1 is disabled, Ch2 Ins is enabled. How do I get the MidiRx function to interpret the data that Cubase is sending back??
Basically: I can’t find where in the manual I can find the different properties of every assignable knob/button/encoder/fader so that I could write a code block for midirx.
Also: why isn’t receiving midi messages for every sending item a standard thing?That would eliminate the need for a lot of coding I would guess.
Thanks in advance,