Module sudden firmware crash - latest boot loader (1.23.4)

Hi All,
Since yesterday I am experimenting a new kind of sudden firmware crash of one of my PBF4s. Until before then, I know it could have been caused by an old boot loader. This seems to be a new problem.

I am using a setup with 3 PBF4, 1 PO16, 1 EN16 and 1 BU16, all old hardware. One of the PBF4s - always the same one - occasionally just disappears from the setup. I can see it from the Grid Editor. If it is the one connected to USB, then the whole setup disappears.

I’ve already tried using the module in different position, re-updating the boot loader and the firmware, but the issues appears again. Please help!


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When testing with just that one module plugged in, do you experience any kind of MIDI dropouts as well?
Seems like it’s a different issue from the one described in your other post.

Thanks @narayb , I will try that this weekend.

If your intuition is that I’m not giving enough power to the 6 modules, I can share that I’m using a very high quality Startech powered USB hub, and that the modules are connected to one of its ports that are specialized for charging devices. It should be particularly reliable from that point of view.

I will write again.

@narayb, All, after some time without issues I guess my PBF4 is dead forever. Now it only lasts a few minutes before disappering from the USB connection, I can’t force the firmware back in place every time.

I wonder if it is just me, or that is the reason why Intech Studio made a major change of hardware in May 2023, and now sells the boards.


We made those changes back in 2023 because global shortages forced our hand.
But when we made the change we worked towards a more sustainable module, where you can do home-repair with exchangeable parts, because we are committed to the idea of a sustainable product. At least in the sense that a Grid module shouldn’t be something you discard for a new model every year because it’s broken or became obsolete.

But truth be told, those earlier modules lack lot of the manufacturing advances we made throughout the years and we lack the tools to easily have them repaired. We support them and will support them forever, but when they do break your only option is to upgrade to the newer modules.

I’m sorry to hear that one of your modules is broken. Please write us a mail to and we can arrange you a replacement.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Hi @narayb I’ve tried to write you as you suggested, but your email server seems to have issues. This is the error I get:


It seems there is some kind of bug between the email servers. You could try sending that mail to us from our site here: by clicking the “Contact Us” button in the corner.
The message you type in there will show up as a mail in our system and I’ll be able to reply to you that way.