Need help with assigning my faders to CC-Commands

Hey there!

I purchased my first Intech Studio EE44 Grid, mainly to control CC-Commands for Expression and Modulation in my DAW (Cubase) to make my work more realistic.

I am really feeling lost at the moment, because it does not work. Here is what I did:
In the Grid Editor I changed the CC-Command to 11 and 1 respectively which also works correct recording to the MIDI Monitor. But in Cubase (Elements) the faders don’t controll these CC-Commands (If I use the MIDI-Remote function and Mapping Assistance and plot them for Quick Controls or something else, it works, but not for the CC-Commands).

I am sure it’s a pretty trivial problem and I am just too new and lost to this topic. So it would be a pleasure if someone could help me with this.

Thank you so much and best regards,

EDIT: I solved a part of the problem: It was trivial as I thought - If the faders already deliver the correct CC-Command, then Cubase would “overwrite” them if you add these faders in the MIDI-Romote section. So, I just left them out there and now it works.