New Grid User needing help


I just recieved my first modules, I am using them with loopy pro in a live environment. I need some help with midi rx, I have zero coding knowledge and my particular setup seems to be a little bit unique so the basic forums and documentation are not thorough enough for me to decipher what applies to me what doesn’t.

I am trying to get my LED intensity to be set by incoming midi. Loopy automatically sends midi information back on the same cc that it came in on, so I just need my grid to listen to that and set the LED intensity accordingly.

I have tried a few things (like changing to toggle mode and also the momentary button with led toggle) these do not work as the toggle mode is recieved as a double tap which I use as a clear command, and if I use a press/release block then it is received as a button hold which is another vital command I use regularly. Momentary button with LED toggle almost works but when I use my other funtions (double taps eg) the LED is out of sync with Loopy so this also is a dead end.

I have tried to follow the “Set value and LED intensity on buttons” documentation but this results in the same problem with a single button press being received as a button hold, and if I take out the toggle button settings it doesn’t seem to work.

I hope someone can help as I think its a fairly easy solve I just don’t have the coding knowledge to work it out myself.

Thanks in advance

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Welcome to the forum!

I just finished doing a setup for Loopy Pro using an EF44. For the looping, I’m just using the button press of the encoders. I’m just getting into bed though so I can’t go through this right now.

AFAIK Loopy Pro doesn’t automatically send MIDI info back to a device. I could be wrong though.

In general, the way I’m doing it is with the ‘Follow Actions’ on each clip. My Grid is set to send everything on MIDI channel 16 and I’m sending the follow actions on channel 1. Using midi_rx() and some tables for colors and LED behaviors, I can get my button LEDs to provide feedback on the clip’s state.

It’s not complicated but it’s far more than I can type out on my phone before bed. I’m pretty busy tomorrow but I’ll see if I can post some code examples and what’s needed in Loopy Pro to get the ‘Follow Actions’ configured.


Hi Thanks for your reply.

Just thought I’d give some more information on my set up so you can better understand my needs.

Loopy says it sends midi I’ve attached a screenshot from the user guide. It says it sends it back on the same channel it comes in on, so I’m hoping you can show me the code so the BU16 interprets the incoming midi and acts automatically, what I mean is if loopy is send back information on G#1 I want the BU16 to know that it’s referring to the top left button which is natively set to G#1, I don’t want to have to manually assign cc values to each button if I can help it.

I’m using a BU16 and my loopy settings are single press for play/stop, double tap for clear clip and hold for merge clip (with the target being next selected clip).

Any and all help is appreciated!

What does this do? Does it take the existing clip and combine it with the next clip to make one long clip from two clips or one overdubbed clip from two clips? I ask so I could understand what the LED state should be once a clip has been merged.

Also, I would need to figure out how the new merged clip would be actioned via MIDI. If the old clip responded to CC1 or Note -E1 then, what does the new clip respond to? The CC or note from the clip that initiated the merge? Just curious because my use is:

  • One click for Play/Pause, record if clip is empty.
  • Long press to clear clip.

My MIDI feedback in Loopy is ‘disabled’. I control the following LED color/behavior with ‘Follow Actions’:

  • LED off if clip is empty.
  • LED pulses red while recording. Medium speed.
  • LED pulses with clip color while playing. Slow speed.
  • LED on without pulsing and clip color when clip is stopped.
  • LED pulses quickly and briefly before LED set to off when clip is cleared.

All of the above have an associated ‘Follow Action’. I am using MIDI ‘Note’ on the buttons with the default ‘Momentary’ behavior. I am sending CCs back that I read the type and value of with midi_rx() to trigger functions that I wrote to set the state and color of the LEDs. The colors can’t automatically be sent from Loopy either. I am using a table with RGB color values in it and selecting those colors with a CC and value being sent by the follow action. I am sending two CCs per follow action:

  • One CC and value range to select color.
  • Same CC and different value range to select state/behavior.

Again, I’m on the go for nearly all of the day. I can go over my settings in more detail and see about getting something together that works for your setup.


Once merged its overdubbed. So the LED should just operate as one active clip, and the old clip should act as being cleared. The new clip just responds to a new note eg say I’m moving it from clip 4 to clip 1, clip 4 might be D2 and clip 1 might be A#2 once merged it will act as only clip 1 (A#2) and D2 will be cleared.

What I will be doing is assigning system colors to my Grid that match loopy so from boot up all the colours should match my donuts. Then I just want LED intensity to be automated by Loopy when a clip is active or unactive/empty. I like the idea of a red pulse while recording but I would prefer a solid colour for active/playing clips, I would go 50 intensity for inactive and 127 for active as I play during the day sometimes so need a lot of brightness. LED off for empty clip is a great idea too!

Thank you so much for helping out with this!

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Are you intending to use all 16 buttons to control 16 clips? Those clips will always be fixed and respond to the same note assignments? If so, it should be fairly straightforward to map out. You’re really only toggle an LED between off and on. You can set the color and intensity on each button’s ‘INIT’ tab. It’s then just a matter or reading the feedback value, or using a follow action, to send a CC/value to toggle that state.

Let me know if you’re using 16 fixed clips then I can work something out. I just received a BU16 last week so I can make a profile that I should be able to share. If you can link the Loopy manual section that talks a bit more about the MIDI feedback, I might be able to use what Loopy sends to control LED state. We’re only talking about binary feedback; on or off. My setup has a bit more going as far as LED behaviors. Yours should be really straightfoward.

Yeah 16 fixed clips.

Here’s the link the loopy It’s section 11.5