Receive midi info from Octatrack to update values

Ok so for me it does not crash anything. But it also only sort of barely works.
Turning the knob on the OT will just send one value to Grid and then Grid stops receiving.
If i wait like 3 seconds and i turn the OT knob again i will get another single value sent to grid.
In my midi monitor instead of saying EN16 it says “undefined” on the values it is receiving from OT
any idea how i could fix that?
Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 10.25.53 AM

But i guess this makes sense as @narayb says the Knot doesn’t currently work with running status. so i will get into another midi hub. so scratch my question in the last reply.

@_d4ydream could you share your cc61 request code?

Yes, that’s exactly right @jaosmon13 . Knot should only see the first message in each dump or update you send from the OT as Knot just ignores running status for now.

The CC61 code would be nothing special, just send a CC61 once to the OT to get the dump.

How the whole thing works after that is completely up to the designer of that profile. If you check out the profile called 64CTRL for the EN16, you can see that it stores all the values it uses in arrays. It updates those arrays when the bank changes. Your profile for the OT could function in a similar way and I would have built it in the same manner, but I still don’t have access to an interface. So soontm.

Thanks @narayb for the direction to go in for cc61

I got a new midi hub and it’s working great, I am seeing all the correct values coming from the OT and it’s syncing up the encoder! :smiley:

Two things, and maybe they are related.

  1. the messages coming back from the OT are showing up with device “undefined” - is that a symptom of the running status protocol?

  2. when i’m receiving midi from the OT, every single light on my two EN16s lights up and then fades away. Is this also a symptom of the running status and/or behaviour that should be happening? if that is the correct behavior, is there a way to not have that “light show” ? i can work around it if needed, but it’s certainly not something i need or want to see.


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  1. Yes, that’s most definitely caused by our systems not being able to parse Running Status properly.
  2. Well, in some way that’s caused by the data dump itself. Should be a symptom of buffer overflow. Grid reacts like that if there’s too much data coming in or going out. Did you test the EN16 in isolation or multiples of them at the same time?

For now the buffer overflow warning is mostly there for troubleshooting, I’ll ask the dev team if it’s possible to turn these off with a function or similar. We could fit it into a FW update.

On the other hand, if there’s an overflow happening the data dump might just be too much at a time for the Grid to handle.

You could try the following:

Configure your MIDI RX as above. This will print all received values to the debug monitor.

Only use one EN16 at a time. Check the debug monitor after pressing the CC61 data dump button and send me if there was anything printed there. You can find the debug monitor here:

Ok well i was getting “not enough memory” happening in the debug monitor already, and I wasn’t even using cc61, this was just me changing one knob on the OT. So i would clear the debugger, and as long as i wasn’t going crazy on the OT the lights would come on and fade away and it seemed fine.

But then i started just doing a bunch of stuff on the OT, including stuff that is not mapped on my grid system, and it got locked into a not enough memory situation that would not go away. All the lights stayed on on the grid and it wouldn’t stop with the not enough memory message. I would have to turn it off and on to reset it. So whatever the OT is sending i think it is too much for the grid to handle.

I’m going to table this until running status messages are addressed on the dev side. My setup works well enough really, this was just fine tuning. I can address its limitations with a few workarounds.

Do you think addressing running status is even on the dev list currently?

I thank you for all your help!!!

Running Status is on the list for Knot, as it is in the base MIDI spec and it’s something we should be supporting.

The “Not enough memory message” is something I will try to troubleshoot, since it’s not something that I’ve ever seen happen.

Will report back once again. I would be also happy to help you with workarounds if I can.