Dear All, I am curious to know if anybody has attempted to write scripts that automatically associate connected Grid elements to the basic mixing functionality in Bitwig Studio, in the same way as you would expect from the famous DrivenByMoss script, if its author decided to support the Grid.
In other words, if I connected x number of PBF4s, the faders would automatically be associated to the leftmost 4 x 4 tracks’ volume, its buttons to the mute function (or solo), its knobs to pan.
I would write it myself but I don’t have the time to dive into Bitwig’s documentation etc. 
Hey! In the discord server there were bitwig configurations done by one of our users, you might find something relevant there: Discord
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Thanks @kertikristof , you’re right there was some work on Discord but not much I could re-use. After a few hours of work and thanks also to some of your advice on Discord in chat, I’ve written a good-enough script that does what I wanted, as described in my original post. Given any number of PBF4s connected in a horizontal row, knobs, faders and buttons are automatically matched to pan, volume and mutes of the respective top-level tracks in the Bitwig mixer GitHub - giacecco/PBFMixerControl: A Bitwig Studio script for automatically map one or more Intech Studio PBF4 modules to the DAW mixer .
I still wonder how I can “inform” the host DAW of the current Grid configuration. E.g. how many and what modules are connected? In chat, you shared about print(hardware_configuration())
, but I guess that only works within the Grid scripting. How can I “send a message” from the Grid to the host DAW?