Studio one and the grid buttons

Hey folks… I am working in studio one and using the BU16 and the PBF4 together.
In external devices I’m setting up a new keyboard ( which seems to work until I try to establish the buttons in midi learn) In midi learn, the knobs are recognized as well as the faders but the buttons in the BU16 and the PBF4 are not recognized in midi learn.Therefore when I try to record a button entry say for instance C-1 for a key switch it won’t record into S1 … you can see the midi light goes on but nothing is recorded… I have tried setting up a new instrument and a new control surface… nothing works… thank you in advance.

uploaded a screenshot so people can see what I’m talking about… the knobs and sliders are recognized just fine… when I hit a button midi learn does not recognize it.,

Please help… thankyou.

Problem solved… user error…

Buttons send Note by default. But Studio One requires CC messages. To change this to CC messages you’ll need to modify in the MIDI block in Grid Editor. Refer to the Intech Studio Documentation for detailed guidance.