Using buttons on one module to change the way pots behave on another


First post here.

Has anyone succeeded in using button presses e.g. on a PB4 or BU16 to toggle the function of a pot on another unit e.g. on an EN16?

One approach would be to use the pages, but I was hoping to find a programmatic way of doing so. Have had a look around and it seems like immediate_send() in combination with IF statements might be useful here, but haven’t quite figured out how.

Any suggestions most appreciated, thanks in advance!

What you will need is the immediate_send() function!

Recently @narayb published an article on it to docs. If something is unclear, let us know!

Thanks for getting back to me Kristof.

I saw that article you’ve shared when I was trying to research how to do this, but I wasn’t clear about a couple of things.

Firstly, it talks about controlling entire modules (or all modules), but it doesn’t refer to targeting individual pots or groups of pots, which is what I’m trying to do. I’m aiming to change a group of 9 pots on my EN16, each of which currently have different values for the first MIDI parameter.

For example, the first pot has a MIDI Block holding values of (ch, 176, 0, val) and on button press I want to change this to (ch, 176, 5, val). The second pot has a MIDI block holding values of (ch, 176, 18, val) and on button press I want to change it to (ch, 176, 23, val).

Secondly, in terms of the ‘lua code’ section of the immediate_send() function, am I right in thinking that the correct code in the first example might be like this?

midi_send(ch, 176, 5, val)

Thanks again!