Is there a way to share common CC values across layers?

Hi, so I’m trying some setups and ideally would like to be able to do something like this.

With a row of encoders, on layer 1, have output MICI cc 1, 2, 3, 4.
Now on layer 2, have it output ccs 5, 6, 7, 4.

i.e. the 4th encoder is duplicated across the 2 layers.

When I try this on layer 1, CC 4 starts counting from 0 as expected. When I switch to layer 2, it does the same. Is there anyway to “share” this mapping across the 2 layers so that the output value is updates consistently by both layers?


By layer, I assume you mean page?

Currently, there is no way to share/pass information between pages on the module. You could, however, program a few different mappings on the same page using tables to store and recall values from each mapping.

This forum post has a solution laid out for an EN16 using 16 profiles (mappings) on one page:

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yes, page. i thought i’d seen it referred to as layer somewhere. my bad.

thx, will check that out. another scripting language to learn :smiley:

great job on these controllers btw, look fantasic.

I’m sure the devs appreciate the feedback! :heart:

I’m just a regular schmoe that also happens to love these controllers (and likes problem solving while learning LUA) !


ah, cool. from the fact that you seem to be answering qs all over the forum I figured you were involved somehow!

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